Sunday, September 25, 2011

Update on Mission Find a Home

Well we had submitted a couple of offers on some shortsales. The first one the second lender didn't want to take less money and the firs lender decided to foreclose. That means the second lender now gets NO money. We were out bid on the second shortsale and now we found a standard sale and should get an answer this evening. Home buying can be very fun but also frustrating. There is so much out there but, we are being a little picky as we will be living there for several years and then hope to rent it out. This will not be our forever home but it will need to fit criteria that will work well for us to live in and then bring us good revenue as a rental. I know to some our choices may not seem like we have a plan but, boy do we have a plan! Not that I 'm going to share it right now in this forum.
Hotel life is still good. We are surrounded with people from Australia and New Zealand. What a friendly group! They talk to you like they've known you for years. Very cool to be around.
As for finding more time to socialize, just when I was getting it all together I got sick. So, as soon as I know that I don't need a hazmat suite to go out, I will be joining in all the wonderful festivities that my friends have invited me to! I just can't wait!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amazing Changes During Our Interim Life

We had a really good day today. No we haven't received an answer from the bank yet but, it was a good day just the same. The kids are getting closer to one another and we are all getting along beyond my imagination for our close quarters. The most amazing change so far though is in our dog Jade. She use to bark at every sound at the old house. She was always on edge. Now there is all kinds of noises (not loud) and she ignores them. She has calmed down so much and become a lot more well mannered. She doesn't even bark at people on the ride down the elevator.
Today though, we took her to the dog beach in Huntington. This dog has never been social with other dogs. She has always been afraid of other dogs or just didn't want anything to do with them. Today, she was social. A TOTAL turn around. She even ran up to other dogs (bigger dogs) and tried to play. Some took the bate and they played chase! Oh it was SO cute and we were so happy for her. She was beaming with happy doggy looks! We were all a bit nervous that she would get hurt but, she didn't and I think she had the best time in her life. Her knee did great and she ran as fast as she could at times getting all streamlined. I just wish I could have grab a picture to post.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Living the Extended Stay Life

We made it! We finally sold our townhome and moved out. We have been trying to get to a point to move for 9 years and finally it has come to pass. We are happily held up in a hotel that has been very comfortable. I'm sure we will have some rough spots but we all feel so much happier at the present. We have put an offer on a short sale and are still waiting for the approval from the bank that holds the mortgage on the desired home. We may be living the extended stay life for a couple of months.
On our first day we though we might have hit a snag when our little dog started to bark when we tried to leave her alone in the room. OH the stress! We didn't want to have to relocated in one day. Luckily the scruf-o-lumps mellowed out and now is actually more mellow than when we lived in the townhome. She use to bark at e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Now people are passing by and making noise and she is chilled out. We can leave her for a while with no problem. Thank goodness! BIG RELIEF!
We are (so far) having a blast living in this hotel. I plan on making some lifestyle changes while we are making this transition. I have started already. I am eating breakfast every day (they have a free breakfast here that is pretty cool) and working out almost every day. They have a fitness room here and pool, hot tub. We are taking advantage and feeling good about it. I am also trying to do as much produce shopping at the farmer's markets and eating healthy (we always eat healthy) but also watching my portions.
Even though we are living with a home up in the air, we have less stress and are looking forward to the next step of our journey. I hope to update soon and document our journey.