Monday, July 23, 2012

First Grad from Jade High!

I had the honor of coordinating the graduation this year for the California Homeschool Network (CHN) and the honor of my first born to be among those graduates. I had many realizations as the ceremony was going on. The biggest one is the reminder that this (ceremony) is a very emotional, very human, very homeschool event! I am constantly amazed on the ever evolving examples of our children's ability to think quickly, out of the box and act appropriately without missing a step! I could have sworn the stairs to the stage were in front and had instructed the grads to walk up to the stage and fill in the left side then the right. They walked right up to the stage assessed the change I (the stairs were on the sides) and just all jumped right up on stage and took their seats. Not even missing a beat in a Highly emotional and Stressful situation. Right from the beginning of this wonderful moment, I couldn't have been more proud of them all. 

With all the flooding of emotion and the realizations that were hitting me upside my head, by the time it was our turn to take the stage and give our speeches for Chalise, my throat was shut. I could breath but there was no way and words were coming out. Thank goodness my husband was ready and prepared and made a very nice speech. I still want to share what my words would have been if they would have been able to make it out of my throat. Here is what I would have said;

Our homeschool journey started when I realized, if my children went to school, they would never know their dad. Jim worked nights, slept days and worked weekends. He was already making the sacrifice to provide for our family and I figured it made for the perfect opportunity for me to keep us a close family and still provide an education. From the first moment we really started getting into the homeschool groove, Chalise took the lead and I learned more than I ever thought I could. I learned all about several different cultures, oceanography, even some parts of a few languages (I couldn't keep up with all she was learning no madder how hard I tried). Chalise pulled her brother Cameron and I along for many great experiences, knowledge and amazing memories. I just want to thank Chalise for all she has given me! I love you with all I am my daughter. I could not be more proud of you! I will forever feel indebted to my homeschool community and CHN for being there to help our family on this most amazing journey. Thank you All!

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